Duke Class of '70 About
- Silent Vigil
- Cost of Duke Education
- Duke Freshman Week Schedule
- Duke Directory
- Duke UNC Football Program
- Duke Folk Festival Poster 1968
- Duke Folk Festival Program 1968
- Minimum Requirements
- The Numbers 1969
- Duke Spring 1970 Schedule
- Graduation Exercises
- Commencement Program
- Movie Ads
- Humor
- Rabbit
- Tobacco Auction
- University Union
- Weekend
- Advice to Freshmen
- Duke's Role in Durham's Problems
- Knight Warns About Campus Revolt
- Arlo Guthrie raps on the world
- Hong Kong Flu and sleep
- October 15 Moratorium
- Playing a carillion is hard work
- Student Union Restructures into University Union
- Research team tests effects of marijuana